• MBL 20th anniversary gift ——“Dialogue About Adoption”!

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  • 【戏说英国】追忆托笔先生


  • 【戏说英国】 入乡随俗?To be, or not to be?

    每每想分享在英国生活工作二十余载的经历都会产生思绪的‘交通堵塞:一言难尽,丛林一片,海阔天空,云雨雷电尽在其中……。文稿有限,在此略述二三 --- 入乡随俗的小趣。

  • 【戏说英国】一个老套的英国

    英国到底啥样?有一天,我踏上旅途,自己去看去听。一路走来有一点感受颇深:与我们的日新月异、翻天覆地相比,在某些方面不列颠仍然安步当车、怡然自得地享受着他们的“老套”,他们的old school,他们的old fashion。

The 2nd English Chinese Bilingual Recitation Competition was successfully held


MBL Cultural Dialogue Series

What you don't know about the West

Hugo de Burgh:Chair Professor of Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University.

Founder of UK China Media Centre

He is the author of the Documentary "Western Stories You Don't Know", Book "Chinese Media in the Emerging World Order"

MBL Cultural Dialogue Series-14

Discuss the differences between success and getting things done

Feng Tang: He was a partner of McKinsey & Company and the General Manager of Strategic Management Department of China Resources Group and the Founding CEO of China Resources Medical Group.

He was also a Senior Managing Director of CITIC Capital. Feng Tang holds a Doctor of Clinical Medicine degree from Peking Union Medical College and an MBA degree from Emory University.

MBL Cultural Dialogue Series-13

Culture for children

Past Events

MBLAdoptive Families with MBL (8th – End May)

  • Singapore (8th – 10th May)

  • New Zealand (11th – 15th May)

  • Australia (16th – End May)

  • Norway (End May)



Books for Kids

For more than 16 years, MBL has provided assistance, advice and educational support to families around the world. This includes medical treatment for disabled orphans and a number of disaster relief and educational projects in China. We have set up 27 children’s libraries in various regions of China, including in Tibetan and Muslim minorities schools, schools for migrant workers children, and schools which were suffered from the 2008 and 2012 earthquakes in Sichuan province.

Gallery of MBL volunteers

Get in touch.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.