Our History

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  • MBL Year in Review 2020-2023

    MBL Year in Review 2020-2023

    From 2020 to 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a virtual standstill, and humans suffered a disaster on a scale not seen since the end of WWII. According to data revealed by WHO in May 2022, the number of deaths worldwide directly or indirectly related to the 3-year-pandemic reached 15 million.

  • 母爱桥 年度系列 2020-2023

    母爱桥 年度系列 2020-2023

    2020至2022年世界因为新冠疫情而按下了暂停键,人类遭受了1945年二战之后空前的灾难。据世界卫生组织于2022年五月的数据显示,在Covid大流行的三年中,全世界直接或间接相关的死亡人数逾1500 万。在此期间,母爱桥伦敦总部与中国志愿者中心分别参与英国与中国抗疫救助,并为英国养老院捐赠了近千只防疫口罩。

  • MBL Year in Review 2015-2019

    MBL Year in Review 2015-2019

    From 2015 to 2019, facing the increased demand for cooperation with international charity organizations and the influence of advanced multi-media technologies, MBL entered the third phase of learning and development. We updated the website and expanded MBL’s multimedia platform; furthered in-person interactions with adoption agencies and families around the world;

  • 母爱桥 年度系列 2015-2019

    母爱桥 年度系列 2015-2019


  • MBL Year in Review 2009-2014

    MBL Year in Review 2009-2014

    From 2009 to 2014, Mother's Bridge of Love (MBL) entered its second phase of exploration, learning, and improvement. During this period, our dedicated efforts have gained extensive support and collaboration, both nationally and internationally. Under the guidance of a new board and the newly appointed head of headquarters, Xiaoli, all three cultural bridges of MBL have undergone substantial development and improvement.

  • 母爱桥 年度系列 2009-2014

    母爱桥 年度系列 2009-2014

    2009年至2014年是母爱桥的探索、学习、提高的第二阶段,我们的辛勤开拓赢得了海内外广泛的支持与合作。在MBL新一期的董事会与接任总部负责人 Xiaoli的领导下,MBL三座文化立交桥都有了飞跃的发展和升华。

  • MBL Year in Review 2004-2008

    MBL Year in Review 2004-2008

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • 母爱桥 年度系列 2004-2008

    母爱桥 年度系列 2004-2008

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.