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Dear MBL members and friends:

In celebrating our 20th anniversary in the making, we would like to feature you and your anniversary message to MBL on our website and social media channels. Please submit a photograph with you or your family in it, along with a brief anniversary message (no more than 100 words) to MBL. Or you can simply include the message in the photo.

It would be great if you can help MBL collect messages and photos from your network.

If you would like to submit an anniversary message only, please use the submission form on this page. 

If you would like to submit both photo and message, please email your submission material with the subject line “MBL 20th Anniversary Submission” to or

We reserve the rights to choose what to publish on our website and social media. By submitting your photo and message, you agree that you have the copyright of the material and give us the right to publish it.

Deadline: 15th, August 2022