The Third Bilingual Recitation Competition - 2024

Step 1) Register now till  5th November, 2024

Step 2) First round competition, submit recorded videos online,  deadline: 9th November

Step 3) Monitor Emails for the announcement of Finalists  before 11th November

Step 4) Final Competition: 17th November in London


Participants are welcome to choose any themes, any topics for their speech recitation.

It can be poems, prose, stories or any speech with meaningful, specially those with appreciation of multi-cultural values.

The recitation requires 2 pieces of performances, one in Chinese and one in English. Each piece last between 0.5 to 1.5 minutes.

The two pieces can either be a translation of same text or two completely different texts.


You are welcome to choose some materials for the following sources:

Chinese recital content shared pool 中文朗诵材料库

English Materials:
A Guide To Choosing The Best English Poems For Recitation

1) The Children’s Poetry Archive

2) Best Poems Encyclopedia

3) Poetry of Science

4) National Poetry award winning works


Q: 怎么报名参加?How do I register?

A: 通过网页链接报名即可。报名截止时间是11月5日。
Via online registration form. Deadline is : Nov 5th Tuesday


Q: 穿什么样的衣服?Any dress code?

A: 可以根据朗诵内容自行选择合适的衣服。我们不提供衣服、道具。
       Not particularly, you can choose ones that suits your speech theme. Organisers do not provide costumes or kits.


Q:参加活动对语言有什么要求吗?Any language requirement?

A: 没有特别的要求,只要孩子愿意练习中文和英文各一篇朗诵内容,各语言水平都欢迎报名参加。
    No special requirements, as long as the pupil is willing to recite in both English and Chinese, all level of proficiency are welcome.


Q: 朗诵内容有什么要求吗?What’s the requirements on the content?

A: 我们会提供一些朗诵资料给大家参考选择,也可以自选。还可以自己创作,不一定是以诗歌、散文的形式展示。可以是一篇自己感兴趣的主题演讲,但是需要和中国挂钩。例如:生物技术的相关题材,可以在内容中增加生物技术在中国的使用或者前景等。
We will provide some recitation materials for your reference, or you can choose your own. You can also create your own works, not necessarily in the form of poetry or prose. It can be a speech on a topic you are interested in, but it needs to be related to China. For example, for topics related to biotechnology, you can add the use or prospects of biotechnology in China to the content.


Q: 朗诵形式是否可以是唱?Can I sing out the content?

A:  要求一定要有朗诵环节,因为这样才能判断表演者的发音标准与否。因此可以有至少半分钟的朗读,后面的部分可以以唱的形式展示,如果全程只是唱歌则不符合要求。
There must be a recitation session, because this is the only way to judge on the performer's pronunciation. Therefore, there can be at least half a minute of recitation, and the rest can be presented in the form of singing. If you just sing throughout the whole process, it does not meet the requirements.


Q: 会有老师指导吗?Will there be training?

A: 我们会提供一些免费练习辅导的线上课,培训演讲朗诵技巧。
Organisers will provide free online training on the public speaking skills.


Q: 培训时间不合适怎么办?What if the training time is not suitable for me?

A: 可以参考老师的上课文稿或者录像自学。 
     You may learn it through some handouts or recorded lessons.

Q:初赛参加方式是什么?what’s the 1st round competition like?

You need to submit your recorded performance before 9th November using a given submission form that can be found on this webpage:


Q:朗诵时间不到半分钟或者超过1.5分钟怎么办? What if my recitation doesn’t fit in 0.5-1.5 minutes length?

A :时长不符合规定的会失分。培训的时候我们会提供指导。
Outside of this required length of time will put you at disadvantage for scoring. Organisers will give advice in the training.

Q: 初赛视频要求什么格式?What are the requirements of the recorded videos for the 1st round?

A: 任何手机或者相机采用竖屏拍摄; 背景风格色调清淡为宜;请拍摄学生全身或者至少膝盖以上。
Portrait mode recorded by any smart phone or camera; Background should be in light colour and simple settings.
Please make sure to record the whole body or at least from knees and above.

Make sure there is no shadow on the contestant’s face; if spectacles are worn, please make sure there is no reflection or glazing light on the glasses.

 Some examples:

Terms of the event



The organising team for this recital competition  implements the following procedures to create a safe event for everyone:

  1. A designated Event Safeguarding Officer (FSO) is appointed to oversee all aspects of safeguarding.
    The Safeguarding Officer is Ms Fay Yiu: 07471688534

  2. Best practice advice, support and training is given to all event  volunteers, including clear reporting procedures for anyone with a concern about a child.

  3. Appropriate recruitment and/or induction procedures are applied for all event volunteers.

  4. All event stewards wear an official identification lanyard and teachers/parents/guardians/carers are asked to report all incidents of any nature to anyone wearing a lanyard. All reported incidents will be handled in accordance with child protection best practice advice and, if appropriate, in a quiet area/room where concerns can be expressed in private.

  5. For the duration of the Festival all teachers/parents/guardians/carers are responsible for the continuous care and supervision of their own children/pupils/vulnerable adults. If they are unable to attend personally, they must delegate their responsibilities to an identified adult and ensure that their children/pupils/vulnerable adults are aware of the identity and name of the person responsible for their care. This includes supervision throughout all Festival venues, performance, rehearsal and changing areas.

  6. No unauthorised photography or video, digital or tape recording of any performance is allowed. If parents/guardians/carers do not wish photos or video recording to be taken of any child in their care, then the responsible adult attending should ensure that their child/pupil is not included in officially authorised photos.

  7. If any child or vulnerable adult has a specific need in order to take part in this event, we ask the responsible teacher/parent/guardian/carer to contact the Festival prior to arrival. The Festival will seek, wherever possible, to meet the identified need, but must be informed beforehand in order to prepare support – or to advise that help cannot be provided on this occasion.

  8. By completing and submitting the entry form all parents / guardians / carers and teachers of entrants under 18 (or vulnerable adults of any age) confirm that they give (or have obtained, or will obtain) all necessary consents for the entrants to take part in the Festival.


The organising team of this recital competition event is committed to provide equal opportunity for everyone to participate in its affairs and contribute to its objectives.  The Festival does not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender, marital status, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other unlawful reason.

This commitment extends to every aspect of the Festival’s operation and applies to all performers, volunteers, sponsors, and suppliers.

The principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities also apply to the way in which the Festival treats visitors and members of the public.

CPA’s Equal Opportunities Policy can be found on our website and a copy can be requested, either by email, or by sending a stamped and addressed envelope to the Hon. Secretary.


The organising team of this recital competition eventneeds to collect and use certain information about individuals in order to run the Festival successfully. To protect individuals’ privacy this event organiser ensures that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly. The organiser complies fully with current data protection legislation (General Data Protection Regulations – May 2018).

Data collected is processed fairly and lawfully; is used only for specific and lawful purposes; is accurate, adequate, relevant and not excessive; is kept for no longer than is necessary; is collected and processed in accordance with the rights of individuals; is kept secure, and is not transferred to countries that do not offer adequate data protection.

The only personal data that the organiser publishes in the recital competition programme and on its website are the names of performers (and the contact details of event trustees and officers). All other personal data is kept secure. Personal data will not be given to any third party without the prior consent of the individual (or their parent, guardian, or teacher, in the case of a child), but will be disclosed to law enforcement agencies if requested. All Festival personnel are made aware of their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Organiser's Data Protection Policy can be found on our website and a copy can be requested, either by email, or by sending a stamped and addressed envelope to the Hon. Secretary.