The 3rd English Chinese Bilingual
Recitation Competition Sign Up
Key Dates 关键日期:
2024年11月17日 周日, 总决赛, 地点:伦敦 亚非学院
17th November 2024 Sunday, Final Competition, at London SOAS2024年11月9日 周六, 提交初赛视频
欢迎所有参赛者参加现场表演:11月3日 周日10-12:30,牛津 OX5 2TA
2024 November 9th Saturday: 1st Round competition, recorded recital videos to be submitted online.
All participants are welcomed to join an in-person stage performane in Oxford (OX5 2TA) on November 3rd Sunday2024年10月 报名注册,参加免费的公众演讲培训课程
2024 October, Registration, participate in free training for public speechTO REGSITER 报名
· More information for Volunteers 志愿者:
For more information on the adjudication, 更多关于评委评分的信息:
The Chinese Bilingual Recitation Competition showcases linguistic talents of young people (age from 6) in the UK. It aims to encourage young participants to wield their proficiency in English and Chinese creatively, and inspires them to apply their bilingual skills in the promotion of world peace and cultural exchanges. As one of the organising parties of this cultural event, we sincerely hope the Competition would become a channel that promotes mutual understandings, cultural diversity and social inclusion between China and UK by appealing for more participants and attention from students, education institutions and communities. Together, we could foster a strong atmosphere imbued with cultural diversity in the UK society.
英中双语大赛旨在搭建展示英国年轻人的英语和汉语的双语才艺,鼓励他们勇于创新,在英中交流中发挥各自的双语优势,为世界和平和文化交流担当领军者!我们希望通过这项活动吸引更多的学生、学校和社区参与、学习、交流,构建中西双方文化理解和包容的渠道,共同营造英国的多元文 化氛围。2022年,母爱桥 (MBL)、英国富趣思学 (FES) 和凯谊信 (KYX)成功地联合主办了第一届 “英国英中双语朗诵演讲大赛” ,在经过三个月的报名、培训、初赛、复赛之后,于 11 月 27 日在伦敦中国站 China Exchange 举行了决赛暨颁奖仪式。此次大赛共有近百位学生报名参加,20 位选手进入决赛 一展风采,上百个家庭和一些学校前往观摩学习交流。
In 2022, The Mothers’ Bridge of Love (MBL) successfully co-hosted the 1st UK English-Chinese Bilingual Recitation Competition in cooperation with Fusion Education (FES) and KYX International (KYX). After three months of registration, volunteer training, preliminary selection, followed by semi-final, the Competition culminated in the final and awards ceremony at China Exchange in Chinatown, London, on 27 November. Out of the over one hundred participants, 20 finalists showcased their talents in the final in front of a captivated crowd of several hundred audience, including their families, friends and classmates.
The judging panel for the inaugural competition was most impressive. For the English section, we were honoured to welcome distinguished 8 guest judges including Hilary Spurling CBE FRSL, renowned author and winner of the 2006 Whitbread Prize; Professor Hugo De Burgh, founder of the China Media Centre; Dr. David Henson, former director of London College of Music; and Ms. Freya Aitken-Turff, CEO of China Exchange. The Chinese section was judged by experts including Dr Song Lianyi, Principal Teaching Fellow of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at SOAS; Ms. He Yue, columnist for; Mr. James Li, founding CEO of KYX International; and Ms. Diya Wen, former journalist and presenter of China Central Television and Phoenix Television.
首届大赛评委会阵容强大,由8位资深专家组成,由英国著名作家、2006年惠贝瑞图书奖获得者、《赛珍珠传》和《大师马蒂斯》的传记作者希拉里·斯珀林 Hilary Spurling 女士,英国中国传媒中心的创办人, Kensington Wade,英中双语学校董事长戴雨果 Hugo De Burgh 教授,英国皇家中央演讲与戏剧学院表演艺术系主任大卫·何森 David Henson博士,以及中国站China Exchange 首席执行官 Freya Aitken-Turff 祝芬雅女士,联席出任英文组评委。中文组评委则由伦敦大学亚非学院 SOAS 东亚系主任教师宋连谊博士,英国社会学者 FT中文网专栏作家何越女士,凯谊信国际(KYX)创始人 CEO 李健先生,以及中国前中央电视台、香港凤凰卫视记者主持人温迪雅女士联合担任。这是一次独特地融合了英中两种语言文化特色的才艺表演,朗诵题材包括诗歌、散文和故事等英中双语作品。
Featuring captivating recitations of poetry, essays and storytelling in both languages, the final was a unique event that blended English and Chinese culture. It received widespread attention from various sectors of society, and was covered in Huawen,, Ming Pao Monthly, the Henley Herald, among other news outlets. Schools of participants, such as Headington School in Oxford, also reported the Competition and celebrated the achievements of their students.
首届大赛得到社会各界和媒体的广泛关注, 今日华闻,明报月刊、中华时报、Henley Herald 等都对赛事的举办进行了新闻报道。Headington School Oxford 等参赛学生所在的学校也在他们的网站上大篇幅地分享了学生们参赛获奖的喜讯。
The 2nd UK English-Chinese Bilingual Recitation Competition, in cooperation with Fusion Education (FES), KYX International (KYX), SOAS Chinese Culture Society and Xue Mo Culture was held in London succesfully on Sunday 19 November 2023 at Djam Lecture Theatre of SOAS.
第二届英国英中双语朗诵演讲大赛于 2023 年 11 月 19 日(星期天)在伦敦大学亚非学院 SOAS Djam Lecture Theatre 成功举办。
The judging panels of the second Competition were no less impressive in terms of professionality and prestige:
Hilary Spurling CBE FRSL,Dr. Song Lianyi, Ms. Diya Wen, Ms. He Yue, and Mr. James Li, Prof. Julia Lovell FBA, prize-winning translator and sinologist at Birkbeck College, University of London; Dr. Frances Wood, former curator of the Chinese collections in the British Library; Ms. Beth McKillop, senior research fellow and former deputy director at the Victoria and Albert Museum; and Mr. Huw May, the headmaster of the English-Chinese bilingual school Kensington Wade; Dr. Zeng Biao, the head of the EEG Lab at the University of South Wales; and Ms. Winnie Cao, Tax Partner and Head of China Business Group at Blick Rothenberg, and editor for a Chinese language magazine.
第二届评委皆为英中文化界领军人物。希拉里·斯珀林女士 Hilary Spurling,宋联谊博士Dr. Song Lianyi,温迪雅女士Ms. Diya Wen, 何越女士Ms. He Yue, 以及李健先生 Mr. James Li;著名翻译家和汉学家,伦敦大学伯贝克学院(Birkbeck College, University of London)中国文学和文化史教授蓝诗玲Julia Lovell 教授、大英图书馆中国收藏部前负责人吴芳思Frances Wood博士、维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆资深研究员,伦敦亚非学院(SOAS)中国与韩国艺术专家,贝斯·麦克奥 Beth McKillop 女士, 以及Kensington Wade英中双语学校校长豪美Huw May先生;南威尔士大学(University of South Wales)脑电实验室主任曾彪博士和必臻集团(Blick Rothenerg)税务合伙人,作家和中文杂志编辑曹锦玥女士。
M: 上午 – 低于 12 岁 年龄组: 10:00-14:00
A: 下午 – 高于 12 岁 年龄组: 14:00-18:00
The competition will be divided into two sessions:
M: Morning - Under 12 years old age groups: 10:00-14:00
A: Afternoon - Above 12 years old age groups: 14:00-18:00
We sincerely invite you to be one of the audiences of the final competition, and to witness the rise of a new generation of bilingual citizens that will forge ever more close-knitted and culturally diverse communities in the UK. All participants in the competition will be deeply appreciated for your presence, support and comments!
Also, we need volunteers for making this cultural event for children! And every little help from you would make a difference. See below for registration of volunteers:
For more information important to the contestants, please check out the following page:
For more information on the adjudication, please check the following page: