Happy International Women’s Day (IWD)

113 years. Women, in order to be noticed, understood, and freed, have strived towards equality, step by step over the past 113 years. Yet even today, there are still women living in cages and chains.

The first Women's Day in New York was organized by the Socialist Party of America on February 28, 1909.

On March 8, 1917, in Petrograd, the capital of the Russian Empire, women textile workers held strikes and marches throughout the city, which also led to the beginning of the Russian Revolution; seven days later, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated, and the provisional government ensured that women have voting rights. In 1917, the Soviet Union designated March 8 as a national holiday.

Officially recognized by the United Nations as "International Women's Day" in 1975.


Since then, it is also a statutory holiday for women in many countries, and every March celebrates the important contributions of women in the economic, political and social fields.

China's first public and official celebration of "International Women's Day” was in March 1924, the honeymoon period of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Since then, the festival has become an important venue for the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to lead the Chinese women's movement. "International Women's Day” represents the revolutionary tradition and its special public cultural space as China's century-old women's movement.

Let 2022 become an epoch-making moment, let the world is awaken from this long, dark night, and let us all stand firm against the abduction/abuse of women!




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